

Stomaria stands for voluntary taxation.

Voluntary taxation is the theory that, instead of being forced to pay taxes, people should be free to contribute however much they wish to the state. While this theory has never been put into practice on a large scale in recent history, it’s been suggested that some ancient societies, such as Athens, may have previously adopted such a system of taxation.

We believe that a system of voluntary taxation, coupled with a change in cultural attitudes regarding taxes and the development of a state capitalist economy, could not only promote greater levels of freedom and prosperity but also has the potential to bring in greater levels of revenue. By actively honouring those who contribute more than what might be reasonably expected and by instilling a sense of moral duty to fund projects that better the wider community, it’s argued that people could actually be more inclined to pay higher levels of taxation.

We're promoting voluntary taxation by allowing citizens to contribute as much or as as little as they want on a monthly, annual or one-time basis.

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